Saturday, October 20, 2012

October Movie Challenge 2012 (10/19)

Remember, if you would like to make a pledge toward Scare-A-Thon 2012 (benefitting FRIENDS OF CHILDREN) at any time, drop me an email at to let me know how much you would like to pledge per film. Your donation is tax deductible, 100% of goes directly to aid the kids, and seriously, even a penny per film helps. Thanks in advance!

Evil, The (1978) (1st viewing) d. Trikonis, Gus (USA) 89 min.

Haunted house chiller with Richard Crenna that exists purely for its Omen-like death sequences, but they’re trippy and enjoyable enough to carry the day. People bursting into flame, being flung around rooms, clothes shredded, made to bandsaw off their own hands and so on. Not great but not bad either.

Killer Fish (1979) (1st viewing) d. Margheriti, Antonio (Italy) 101 min.

Lee Majors, Karen Black and James Franciscus are the headliners in this jewel heist flick, with the horror element being the fact that the latest big score has been stored in a South American lake stocked with piranha. Solid munching action trades screen time with Majors making eyes at Margaux Hemmingway, Hemmingway baring her claws at Black, and Black having ongoing snit fits with smug huzz Franciscus. There’s also a pretty wicked tropical storm sequence with things blowing up real good.

Total Movies: 60
First Time Views: 60
Money Raised for Friends of Children: $609.00

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