Back again, my friends. Crankin’ ‘em out, crankin’ ‘em out…
The Netflix gods smiled on me this week, as did the Chicago public library, and it is to them that I raise my figurative hat. I had discovered an array of older horror features that had somehow been overlooked in my travels on the Little Red Website, and was enjoying a pleasant nostalgic float down the black and white river (when I wasn’t deep in the shooting of pal Jason Coffman’s short film TAPE, that is. http://vimeo.com/38677838)
It was right about then that I got the call from Nathan Hanneman, editor of HorrorHound magazine and the brains behind their HorrorHound Weekend conventions, that I would be hosting several of the Q&A panels in Columbus the weekend of March 23-25, including the one featuring headliner Pam Grier. Needless to say, my priorities got switched in a hurry, and the Views changed gears from forgotten horrors to a deep dive into the blaxploitation pool. See me complaining? No, you don’t.
As always, feel free to leave your two cents worth – we’ll make sure you get some change back.