Amigos del mios,
Welcome back! This week’s installment of the Views was made possible almost exclusively by the good graces of Netflix, the two exceptions being the 1968 kaiju piñata DESTROY ALL MONSTERS (apparently out of print) and a brief dip into Oscar territory courtesy of a SAG screener of THE KIDS ARE ALL RIGHT. We continued our ongoing G-fest (though we certainly lost a bit of ground, only seeing 3 flicks this week – must needs pick up the pace) and banged out two more of Burt Reynolds’ oeuvre, as well as tagging two of 2010’s more notable horror releases. On the civilian side, it was essentially “independents week,” with features from auteurs Jarmusch, Araki, Cholodenko and Almereyda. Another wildly mixed menu, but enjoyable nonetheless.
As always, feel free to leave your two cents worth – we’ll make sure you get some change back.