Greetings, troops!
See, this is what happens when I go without watching movies for weeks on end: the BINGE. Took in 19 movies in one week (plus 17 episodes of the Twilight Zone) and still felt like I could have done more. Anyone else out there relate to this condition?
You may also notice that the horror titles range entirely from the letters A to F. The reason for this is simple: Months ago, I had gone through my DVD collection, pulled titles to put on the “to-watch” shelf and have now committed myself to slashing my way through them. Happily, most of them were well worth the wait.
By the way, the "anthology horror double feature" was my assignment for the Kitley’s Krypt Army which, if you haven’t joined up for, you are definitely missing out. Go to http://www.kitleyskrypt.com/army.htm and get in on the fun. NOW.
As always, feel free to leave your two cents worth – we’ll make sure you get some change back.