
Saturday, December 9, 2023


KING KONG (1933) d. Merian C. Cooper / Ernest B. Schoedsack (USA)
SON OF KONG (1933) d. Ernest B. Schoedsack (USA)

It’s almost impossible to overstate the importance the original 1933 King Kong has had on the monster movie genre and on the history of cinema overall. As such, it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that there was a time before Kong, and that there were individuals who brought the character and the film surrounding him into existence. People like producers Merian C. Cooper and Ernest B. Schoedsack, writers Edgar Wallace, James Creelman, and Ruth Rose, special effects wizards Willis O’ Brien and Marcel Delgado, composer Max Steiner, sound effects pioneer Murray Spivack, and stars Robert Armstron, Bruce Cabot, and the legendary Fay Wray.

The alchemy of the entire production team coalesced into a masterpiece of action, adventure, drama, and romance that broke box office records during the height of the Great Depression, and grossed even higher returns during its re-releases in 1938 and 1952.

Including its own sequel, Son of Kong, which amazingly premiered in December of 1933, a mere nine months later, King Kong has inspired remakes, spin-offs, rip-offs, and the entire giant monster movie subgenre. The entire world knows the name of Kong, The Eighth Wonder of the World.

The immortal ape is our subject tonight, and AC is joined once again by another truly epic panel: Stan Hyde, Doug Long, Michael Weber, and Bobby Zier.

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Keep Searching, Keep Exploring, and, most of all, Keep Sharing the Scare!!

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