
Sunday, November 5, 2023


SHARKNADO (2013) d. Anthony C. Ferrante (USA) (86 min)

Every since Peter Benchley’s novel Jaws hit bookstands in 1974, followed by the enormous success of Steven Spielberg’s big screen adaptation, sharks have become the aquatic boogeymen of our nightmares. Their power and ferocity has been exploited time and time again onscreen, and just when you think they’ve exhausted their power to terrify, a new wave sweeps over the pop culture shore, and our fascination and fear is reawakened.

As such, it’s no surprise that screenwriter Thunder Levin and director Anthony C. Ferrante thought to combine the reliable finned and fanged fright factor with that other time-honored exploitation element, the disaster film. Sharknado’s journey from joke title to cult classic is an unlikely but undeniable one, and it’s high tide, er, time it was given its proper due.

Joining AC in the studio are Nicole Mikuzis, Grant Kuchan, Daniel Millhouse, and Dan Kiggins, as we honor this cult classic which has spawned five sequels and reinvigorated the CGI shark tank for a brand new generation.

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Keep Searching, Keep Exploring, and, most of all, Keep Sharing the Scare!


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