
Monday, April 17, 2023

TO DIE FOR (1988) / TO DIE FOR II (1991) Movie Review

Belgian filmmaker and horror enthusiast Gert Verbeeck and AC continue their journey through the 80s/90s Direct-to-Video (DTV) boom, assaying a pair of double-fisted, double-fanged vampire flicks that emerged in the wake of the mid-1980s bloodsucker bash that served up such popcorn classics as Fright Night, Near Dark, The Lost Boys, and Vamp!

While the To Die For flicks aren't quite at the same level, there are still some treats to be found therein, notably John Carl Buechler's practical f/x and the ripe (and overripe) performances.

We'd love to hear your favorite sanguinary memories in the comments below - we'll do our best to cover them in a future episode so let your fang flag fly!

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