
Friday, April 28, 2023


Jon Kitley (of Kitley’s Krypt) is back to discuss Horror Rises from the Tomb and Hunchback of the Morgue, two of Spanish weightlifting star-turned-horror icon Paul Naschy’s 1973 features, both of which celebrate their 50th Anniversary this year.

In Horror Rises from the Tomb, Naschy appears as a medieval French warlock beheaded for crimes against humanity (sharing the blade with fetching witch Helga Liné). His modern day descendant Hugo – also played by Naschy – decides to take a double-date holiday (with the lovely Emma Cohen, Cristina Suriani, and frequent co-star Vic Winner) to his family’s countryside Villas de Sade (nice name, that) estate, which just happens to house the tombs of his satanic ancestors.

Before long, the warlock’s dislodged noggin is possessing innocents, reviving old flames, barking orders, recruiting zombie servants, and carrying out blood sacrifices as in days of olde. It’s up to our hero to lay his bearded doppelganger to rest and stop the reign of terror.

In Hunchback of the Morgue, Naschy plays Gotho, the titular walking infirmity as a sensitive, lovelorn suitor who brings flowers every day to his favorite fatally ill female patient Else (Maria Elena Arpon), the only person to show him kindness. After she expires, he secrets her corpse away from prying eyes, but mad scientist Dr. Orla (Alberto Dalbés) promises to resurrect her in exchange for a few body parts here and there.

You see, Orla is creating a new species of life form in his underground lair, a bubbling, bellowing beastie whose offscreen cries recall a wicked encounter with undercooked Spanish cuisine (BLEEEAAAAAARRRRGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!) The results are an energetic and gory good time, unless you happen to be one of the many rats that Naschy & Co. set ablaze for their squealing production value.

Both films are available from Shout! Factory, with Horror on their Paul Naschy Collection Vol. 1 and Hunchback on Vol. 2. Both are excellent additions to any burgeoning fan eager to learn more!

If you're into Spanish horror, these are a couple of must-see features on our list. Please let us know some of YOUR favorite freaky foreign frights and we'll do our best to showcase them on future episodes!

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