
Friday, September 30, 2022


Greetings, my blood brothers and sanguinary sisters! It’s that time of year again, when the night air turns crisp and cool, the shadows contain mysteries dark and deep, and tricks and treats trade beats with greets on the streets....

It’s time for SCARE-A-THON 2022.

As many of you know, since 2010 I have dedicated my October viewing energies to various organizations deserving of some TLC (Terror Lovin’ Care). Thanks to generous, like-minded souls, we have raised over $25K for over a dozen different groups. This year, I have selected the WOMEN'S REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS ASSISTANCE PROJECT (WRRAP), a non-partisan, nonprofit organization assisting women who are financially unable to pay for safe, legal abortions or emergency contraceptives. WRRAP works directly with pre-qualified, reputable reproductive health clinics across the U.S. on behalf of the person in need.

I'm also changing things up a little in that you can now donate directly via the Scare-A-Thon fundraiser platform, which is active RIGHT NOW. Here's the link:

This year, as usual, I will watch and review 31 films during the month of October, one for each day of the scariest month of the year. For the special sauce, all of this year's official Scare-a-Thon features will be from the 2020s... and all first-time views! I will be documenting my progress here on the HORROR 101 with Dr. AC blog, as well as mini-reviews over on our spanking new YouTube channel, so please stop by and see how we’re doing (and maybe get a few recommendations for your own fright nights)! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to drop me a line at

That’s it! If this enterprise moves you in any way, please, please, please feel free to share the fundraiser link above (and your own good juju) throughout your various circles, online and off. Even if you can't donate, spreading the word means the world to me.

Thanks for your time! Wishing everyone a happy and healthy Halloween season!

Caring through scaring,



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