
Wednesday, October 4, 2017

TEEN WOLF (1985) Blu-ray review

Teen Wolf (1985) d. Daniel, Rod (USA) (2nd viewing) 92 min

A few months after Michael J. Fox became a movie star with Back to the Future, this innocuous high-concept vehicle also hit screens, spinning the comic fable of a befuddled high school basketball player “going through some changes.” It’s all pretty much by-the-numbers teen comedy, with awesome character man James Hampton (The Longest Yard) stealing every scene as Fox’s doldrums dad. Legendary makeup man Tom Burman (Food of the Gods, Halloween III) handles the latex and fur (although, am I the only one who thinks that our hero looks more like a yeti than a wolfman?), while the devastatingly awful synth score comes courtesy of the late Miles Goodman.

Shout! Factory’s recent Blu-ray release sports only two special features: the film’s original theatrical trailer… and a nearly 2.5 hour making-of documentary. I’m guessing director Brian Ward must have really, really liked this movie; with the exception of its star, he’s managed to collect pretty much everyone involved for a quick sit-down to chat. In addition to the hi-def presentation, this is the incentive that Teen Wolf fans will find hard to pass up.

Teen Wolf is available now on Blu-ray from Shout! Factory and can be ordered HERE:


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