
Sunday, February 9, 2014

SINGAPORE SLING (1990) movie review

Singapore Sling (1990) d. Nikos Nikolaidis (Greece)

One rain-soaked night in a timeless, nameless land, a man arrives at the doorstep of a secluded house in the woods with a bullet in his shoulder. Two voluptuous women, having just returned from digging a hole in the backyard, take him in. What follows is a surefooted combination of jaw-dropping, exploitation-rich, often direct-address narrative content (kidnapping, murder, sexual S/M games, madness) with Aris Stavrou’s pristine black-and-white noir-styled cinematography.

The thrill lies in discovering a filmmaker who clearly knows how to make phenomenal, “socially acceptable” art, but who chooses instead to follow his own creative compass.

The result is a one-of-a-kind cult picture that will likely repel all but the cinematically courageous, although those willing to take the ride will be richly rewarded.

Do yourself a favor and avoid reading critical details about the plot and set-pieces beforehand; writer/director Nikolaidis’ truly original vision should be seen with as clear a palate as possible, although a preliminary screening of Otto Preminger’s 1944 noir classic Laura, while not essential, will definitely enhance the experience.

1 comment:

  1. Goodness gracious! You gave me a copy of this movie I don't know how long ago and I still haven't gotten around to watching it. After seeing those stills, though, my interest level has spiked to near-dangerous levels.
